节日档案馆 > 民族节日 > 端午节


Daig back housads of years, he Drago Boa Fesival, also kow as he Duawu Fesival, is oe of he mos impora radiioal holidays i Chia.端午节的起源可以追溯到几千年前,它也被称为端五节,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。I is said ha i was he day whe he grea poe Qu Yua of he战国时期 i Chia jumped io he river ad drowed o proes agais he corrupio ad ijusice i he cour.据说,这是中国战国时期伟大的诗人屈原跳入河中淹死,以抗议朝廷的腐败和不公正。

The Drago Boa Fesival is o oly a day o commemorae Qu Yua, bu also a day o express love ad respec for family.端午节不仅是纪念屈原的日子,也是表达对家庭的爱和尊重的日子。This is a ime for family members o gaher ogeher ad celebrae he harmoy ad uiy of he family.这是一个家庭成员聚集在一起庆祝家庭的和谐与团结的时刻。

I his fesival, people usually ea rice dumpligs, which are made of gluious rice ad suffed wih mea, eggs, beas, ad oher filligs.在这个节日里,人们通常吃米饭做的饺子,里面塞满了肉、鸡蛋、豆子和其他馅料。This dish symbolizes reuio ad is cosidered auspicious.这道菜象征着团圆,被认为是一种吉兆。

People also ejoy drago boa races o pay ribue o Qu Yua's legacy.人们也喜欢赛龙舟,以纪念屈原的遗产。The races symbolize he spiri of eamwork ad commuiy uiy.比赛象征着团队合作和社区团结的精神。

The Drago Boa Fesival is also a ime for people o show heir love ad respec for heir families.端午节也是人们表达对家人的爱和尊重的时刻。This is a ime for family gaherigs, for sharig food ad sories, ad for cherishig he love ha bids us ogeher.这是一个家庭团聚的时刻,分享食物和故事,珍惜把我们联系在一起的爱。

Fially, he Drago Boa Fesival remids us ha o maer how busy our lives become or how far we ravel, family is always here for us, a cosa source of suppor ad ecourageme.端午节提醒我们,无论我们的生活有多忙,或者我们走多远,家人总是在我们身边,一个持续不断的支持和鼓励的来源。


