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World Famous Fesivals i Eglish

The world is full of fesivals, ad each fesival has is ow uique hisory ad culural sigificace. From he acie imes o he moder era, people have gahered ogeher o celebrae special occasios ad express heir graiude for life's blessigs. Here are some of he world's mos famous fesivals ad heir Eglish ames.

1. Chrismas (December 25)

Chrismas is he mos celebraed fesival i he world, symbolizig he birh of Jesus Chris. People gaher ogeher wih family ad frieds, exchage gifs, sig carols, ad feas o delicious meals o celebrae he spiri of love ad givig.

2. Ramada (Moh-log observace i Islam)

Ramada is a moh-log fasig fesival i Islam, observed by Muslims worldwide. Durig his period, Muslims absai from food ad drik from daw o dusk, seekig o achieve a sae of spiriual cleasig.

3. Mardi Gras (February or March)

Mardi Gras, or Fa Tuesday, is a Carival celebraio i Caholic couries before Le. People dress up i cosumes, parade hrough he srees, ad hrow beads ad oher rikes o he crowd.

4. Diwali (Ocober or ovember)

Diwali is a Hidu fesival ha marks he riumph of ligh over darkess ad good over evil. People ligh lamps ad fireworks, bur icese, ad exchage gifs wih family ad frieds.

5. Holi (March)

Holi is a Hidu fesival kow as he he comig of sprig.

6. Okoberfes (Sepember)

Okoberfes is a Germa fesival ha is kow for is beer es, live music, ad radiioal Bavaria food. People gaher i Muich every fall o celebrae Bavaria culure ad he ed of summer.

7. Chiese ew Year (Jauary or February)

Chiese ew Year is he mos impora fesival i Chiese culure, celebraig he begiig of he luar ew year. People clea heir houses, give red evelopes, feas o a reuio dier, ad wach drago dace performaces o usher i good luck ad prosperiy.

8. Eid al-Adha (Moh-log observace i Islam)

Eid al-Adha is a Muslim fesival ha commemoraes he willigess of Ibrahim o sacrifice his so Ishmael as a ac of obediece o God. Muslims worldwide slaugher aimals, disribue he mea o eedy families, ad feas o a big meal wih heir families.

9. Vaisakhi (April)

Vaisakhi is a Sikh fesival ha marks he esablishme of he Khalsa broherhood by Guru Gobid Sigh. Devoees gaher a hisoric places o celebrae heir faih, dace i circles, ad exchage greeigs wih ohers.

10. Pogal (Jauary)

Pogal is a Tamil Hidu fesival ha celebraes he ed of wier ad he begiig of he Tamil moh of Thai. People cook radiioal dishes such as sweeeed rice ad milk, ad offer hem o heir gods as a symbol of graiude for a ew year full of happiess ad prosperiy.


